版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Main Double Road, E-11 , Islamabad, Pakistan.
RF Redesign App is basically to be used by riggers or technicians who will perform the physical redesign of the 900/1800/3G or 4G hard parameters ( Azimuth, RET , Mechanical Tilt, Antenna Type or HBA) .
On the other hand, it can also be used by the RF engineers to request the physical changes that need to be given to the rigger teams.
Designed Process:
Riggers change the physical parameters as suggested, then fill the app with the data. Finally this can be exported to excel and emailed to the engineers with comments and date of redesign.
Saves time and reduces error due to manual data entry.
Design highlights:
1) Cell name is a mandatory field for cell input.
2) Cell will be identified via Lat and Long of the site and is automatically added to the cell info if your location services are on.
3) No convention has been added cell name as it can vary per Telecom Operator.
4) Band data will have to be inserted separately via drop down menu . Upon clicking the red save button, band info for that particular band will be saved. You can then proceed to the next band.
5) Finally add in the comments and click the tick on top to save the entire cell data.
Countries where drones are not used for the RF audit process, this app can aid the riggers and the engineers to audit the sites.
This app does not violate privacy of the operators/vendors. Also , data entered is not shared with any third party. It is only stored in the device memory for the purpose of exporting to excel.
For any suggestions or concerns :
Please contact workera.apps@gmail.com. Timeline for a response from our end is 24-48 hours.